The billing and shipping address have the same fields. When an address is provided, we validate if a minimal set of fields are
provided, which allows a delivery. The required parameters and their format depend on the country. Below, you can find a list of all
fields, which are required for an address:
country: The ISO 3166-1 two letter country code determines how the address is validated.
givenName: The given name contains the name of the customer’s given name.
familyName: The family name contains the name of the customer’s family name.
street: The street name including any street number etc. of the address.
postCode: The post code of the address is normally required.
city: The name of the city is normally also required.
Please see also address model definition for more information on which fields are also available and
how we validate them.
To simplify address validation you can embed our JavaScript library which allows to validate the address directly on your website. You may
want to take a look into the address validation documentation. The address validation provides also the
option to fetch the available country states and countries. This allows to provide a select input field to the buyer from which the
allowed options can be selected from. Additionally we indicate within the country list also which fields are required depending on the
country. This allows to update the form to mark the country dependent fields as required.
The mentioned fields need to be used with either the billingAddress
or the shippingAddress